Walking trail with audioguide
Badelundåsen Nature and Culture trail, is a walking trail that takes you through one of Sweden's most culturally historically interesting areas. Here you can enjoy both beautiful scenery and historical ancient remains.
The history of the Anundshög area has received much attention, but is only part of the area's dimension. We have therefore chosen to present parts of the older cultural history that are less well-known and to also highlight information about nature and later cultural history.
During the walk you will get acquainted with ancient Norse gods as well as innovative craftsmen, blacksmiths and beekeepers, with migratory birds' navigation and the stream's meander trails.
Two different loops
The path is divided into two stages; the northern and southern loop. The northern loop is 0.5 km long and follows the area around Anundshög. It is wheelchair accessible and works well for those who have difficulty walking or are wheelchair accessible. The southern loop is 2 km long and Texinitially follows Badelundaåsen and then goes along the road east of the ridge. The south loop is adapted to be walkable, but has steeper sections.
Information signs and audio files
Along the trail there are twenty information signs that tell about the area's nature and culture.
Link to the signs as pdf. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
For each sign there is a loaded version and an audio file with depth in the subject.

Welcome to Badelundaåsen Nature and Culture trail. Along the trail are 20 signs with information about nature and culture in the area.
Listen to the audio guide in English on Youtube. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Bienvenue au sentier de nature et culture de Badelundaåsen. Le long de chemin, on retrouve vingt panneaux d'information qui illustrent la nature et la culture de la région.
Écoutez les audio-guides en français. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Willkommen auf dem Natur- und Kulturpfad Badelundaåsen. Entlang des Wegs stehen zwanzig Tafeln mit Informationen über die Natur und Kultur des Gebiets.
Hören Sie sich die Audioguides in Deutsch. Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.