Plan your visit
Find practical information about how to get here, opening times, accessibility, food and drink, and other things that will help you plan your visit.
![Brun vägskylt med angivelsen Anundshög åt vänster och blå vägskylt med angivelsen Gäddeholm åt höger. Foto: Ingela Lindestad](/images/200.4d926cfb16e44d4f033d5bb/1575443137287/900x600_v%C3%A4gskyltning_IL.jpg)
Getting here
Anundshög can be reached via highway E18. It is signposted with brown landmark signs from the exit 139 all the way to Anundshög.
Free parking.
From Västerås central station you can reach Anundshög by city bus 1 to end station Bjurhovda, then continue by foot cirka 2 km.
Link to directions via Google maps. Länk till annan webbplats.
Link to VL, the public transport planner Länk till annan webbplats.
![Gammaldags fickur.](/images/18.1e1328f018b380b4a9e19269/1698135815652/skepps%C3%A4ttning_%C3%A5rstider_kollage.png)
Opening hours
The area around Anundshög is open all year round. Take into account those who live nearby. Keep in mind that this is an ancient site that we need to be aware of.
There is no admission fee.
Café Anund opening hours: Tuesday-Sunday 11:00 - 16:00. Closed Midsummer Eve, 21 June.
The toilet outside the café building is open from 9.00-22.00.
![Även hundar är välkomna vid Anundshög, om de hålls kopplade. Foto: Antti Korhonen](/images/200.2e62e9c417ee3fff575126bb/1645118037550/hundvidh%C3%B6gen_AK_900x600.jpg)
Visitor information
Dogs are always welcome, but please keep your dog on a leash for everyone's safety and comfort.
Several picnic tables are available at the site.
It is not permitted to grill or start fires at Anundshög or on Badelunda ridge. There is no designated barbeque spot. This is to protect the area from wildfires.
Heart starter is located on the outside of Café Anund there. It is available around the clock.
Café Anund
Opening times
Tuesday-Sunday 11.00-16.00
Monday closed
The café is serving a range of hot and cold meals, cakes and pastries, drinks, teas and coffee. Outdoor seating is available. We use requirements-labeled raw materials. Lactose-free and gluten-free options are available.
We do not accept cash, but you can pay by card or swish.
The pedestrian routes around Anundshög are accessible for persons with wheel chairs.
South of the Tortuna road south of the mound there is an accessible walk way. However there are steep slopes and uneven surfaces. We do not recommend wheel chairs on this walk way.
Café Anund is fully accessible.
The toilets are fully accessible.